Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oneop Dock Dedication and Celebration 1981

The following videos were filmed during the dedication and celebration of the Oneop Dock in 1981. In attendance were many of our distinguished leaders and officials from both the FSM National and Chuuk State governments. They include the first president of the federation His Excellency the late President Tosiwo Nakayama, the first governor of Chuuk State the late Honorable Governor Erhart Aten, Speaker of the FSM Congress the Honorable Bethwel Henry, the late Honorable Congressman Ray Setik, their wives plus a host of other equally distinguished guests and officials from our two governments.

We dedicate these videos to the memories of our loved ones who had passed on with the hope that we the living will continue to cherish and honor those memories.

The gentleman leading this group's song was the late Honorable Delegate and traditional chief Mr. Oseter Pweitei

The song leaders of this group were the late Iokichy Alter, the late Nachuo Moses and the ever fun-loving and comedienne the late Kika "Kalepus Inisi Kechiwen Anchang" Oii.

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