Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Goes Around Comes Around

Here in Hawaii, we (the poor Micronesians) are stigmatized as the harbinger of all the social, political and economical ills that befall this wonderful state. Yes! Blame it on the new immigrants--the Micros. They're the reason Hawaii is in the dumps. They're the reason the not-so-local Hawaiians are struggling with homelessness, drug abuses, and corruptions. They needed a scapegoat and they've found one in the stupid Micros. There is so much negative stereotypes that people here in Hawaii are projecting to the hapless and seemingly ignorant Micronesians. Even the second and third generation immigrants from other foreign countries follow suit and blame every thing on us.
Ironically, while little flak is directed towards us from the true indigenous Hawaiians, we're getting hard hits on all fronts by the  modern day bourgeois: descendants of the Portuguese cowhands, the Japanese, Okinawan and Chinese fishermen and laborers, the Ilocano plantation workers, and the tough Polynesian warriors and football players from American Samoa.
As new arrivals, we will try our best to be strong and to persevere. It is only natural that we endure the same hardship and face the same challenges that each of the ethnic minority groups went through as they tried to establish a foothold in this new community. We will run the gauntlet of ridicule and letdowns; we will go through the FOB hazing and finger-pointing; we will bear the brunt of Island 98.5 Micro-jokes and we will swallow our pride just for a while longer.
We've come a long way and, short of a mass deportation back to our country on large ships, we will remain here. The fact of the matter is, we didn't ask to be here. We were invited. Uncle Sam decided to show his might by hydogen-bombing our islands rendering them uninhabitable, used us as guinea pigs, made us pathetically depended on him, and then invited us to come to America. So, here we are! Whether you like it or not, that is your problem.


  1. This is my absolute favorite entry. I posted it on FB'S "You know you're from micronesia" page and, of course, with credits to you. It's gotten so many like and shares. I'm glad to have stumbled on your I can add it there too. Thank you 😊

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