Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Suun Namukuk

Safe in a cocoon of sand and darkness;
away from the unrelenting whispers
of the blood-lust 'quitoes, in the stillness,
at Meseniang, I was lulled by the deafening sounds of the Pacific rollers.

I stared up the dark sky and marveled at Creation,
Thinking. In the overall scheme of things, I’m so insignificant.
O Universe, from eternity to eternity, what majestic domination!
Your stars, countless, are only points through a mariner’s sextant.

And O what beauty! Like diamonds on black velvet, they shimmered
And glittered and pulsated in harmony though it was in chaos.
From Dusk to Dawn, they followed in the shadow of Helios-the revered.
But Fuuesemwakut, sentinel, yearned to be with the Southern Cross.

Machemeas, in her splendor, its radiance and warmth, the night felt.
The procession, from east to west, never pau
The celestial ballet by Uul and Orion’s belt
Up at the dark canopy of Apiileng - the chart of Doctor Mau.

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