Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Stance on Abortion

Abortion should be banned not only because it is immoral but also because it is a crime against humanity. Its acceptance by the American people and this administration is orchestrated by lies, deception, and by treacheries of those that stand to benefit from its legalization.
First, abortion of a fetus at any stage of its development is immoral because the fetus is a human being and as such, deserves the right to live as does any other individual. While the proponents of abortion argue that the fetus is just a "blob of tissue", many experts from the medical sciences unanimously declared that it is human and that its life begins at conception. A leading researcher at the Department of Genetics at the Mayo Clinic testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that, "By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception."
The proponents of abortion or "choice" argue that women have the rights to control their own bodies. It is their bodies and they can do whatever they want to do with it. However, what they seem to overlook is the fact that the fetuses that they carry inside their wombs are separate individuals. As individuals, they have separate circulatory systems and each has its own DNA setup, unique and different from the mother and from anybody else for that matter. In fact, the heart of a fetus begins to form 18 days after conception and its heartbeat begins to be measureable after 21-24 days. Its brain begins to form on the 25th day and starts to produce brain waves by the 6th week. So, while it is true that the mothers can do whatever they want to do to their bodies, it is morally wrong to abort a fetus because it is the same as killing another human being.
Second, abortion is a crime against humanity because no matter how one views it, statistics show that it is genocide. Since the Roe vs. Wade became law, thirty-seven million babies across America had been lost due to abortion. It is also a crime because, initially, the pro-choice groups argue that legalizing abortion would help reduce child abuse and neglect. However, statistics show that in 1973 when abortion became legal in the United States, there were 167,000 cases of child abuse and neglect that were documented by the Department of Health and Human Services. The following year, there were 785,100 cases; a 370% increase from the previous year. In the third year following the legalization of abortion, there were 2,025,200 case of child abuse and neglect which, sadly shows that there was an increase of 1112% and that abortion has a direct link to this crime against the innocents and the helpless.
Third, abortion should be banned because its legalization is a result of lies, deception and treachery, with which the pro-choice people used to accomplish their goals. The two landmark cases which bring about this immorality, Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton, were never the true intentions of the plaintiffs. The counsels in these cases used the plaintiffs and their lawsuits to accomplish their own hidden agendas. On the other hand, many women had abortions because they were pressured and coerced into it by their spouses or partners who do not want to give child supports, and by a society who turns a blind eye to these helpless mothers who need help and support in dealing with pregnancies that nobody seems to accept.
In conclusion, because abortion is immoral, criminal, and does not serve any good or purpose other than exterminating millions of babies, then it should be banned.


  1. Hey Atin Leparang,

    I love your article! You have my support 100%. May God bless you for being the voice for the voiceless innocent human life whose lives are being cut short through the Law of this land! Keep up the courageous spirit!


  2. Question on Stance on abortion: Do you still disagree to abortion if the young lady been raped and got pregnant? or in one case another lady found out she will be paying thousands of dollars to care for her child cause she just found out that her doctor told her her child will be a mentally and physically challenged kid? Not just about the money but the realization that her child will have no friends will never live a normal life, no matter what the world will always have bad apples that will tease or pick on the child and have no sympathy for ones' handicap? How about the worst kinds of people that will intentionally prey on kids with disabilities, would you still think abortion is wrong?

  3. rct, there are always alternatives to every situation. If the girl who was raped and got pregnant doesn't want to keep the child, she can always give it up for adoption. There are so many individuals and couples who would love to give that "human being" the tender loving care that it deserves. And what are you saying about the physically or mentally challenged kid? Are you saying that we should just kill off that poor baby because it will inconveniences the mother and you and the social services that receive our taxpayers money to provide care services to this type of children? Your mentality is scary. There was a man just like you that I read in the history books that wanted to have a perfect human race. His name is Hitler.

  4. I agree with you Nasako and Leparang. I don't know what rct trying to say. Maybe you realized you asked the wrong question rct or if you think you are reasonable then you are a Nazi. Tirow wom, but that idealogy deserves the capital punishment on earth and in hell.
    I was watching one of those medical channel about this kid, he was born with a skin disorder his eyes were like only blood. He looked like a monster baby but the mother didn't give up on him. At the time the show was aired he was 19th years old and he could swim and run and talk. Life is meant to be lived.
