This blog is about the rants of a Mortlockese nomad. Its purpose is to share these rants, silly stories and island humor with his fellow islanders who, for whatever reason, had lost their ability to laugh and poke fun at their own foibles and unique outer-islanderness. It's an attempt to remind them of their island roots, their island cultures and their island lifestyles.
Oish !! Solid 08..Waihooooo My Seniors Aah !! Miss Yhu Guys Much..Waihooo Tongz To My Bwizdahs.. Lyn, Thurstie, Atina, Kita, Edlyn, Darla, Norie, Bwal Nganei Ai Aunty Kenan..Marsha & Alyn, & Brother Dannie..iTong Ami..