Sunday, July 13, 2008


Once in a while a good story comes along that you just have to share it with everyone. Here goes:

While here in the US, a lady from Losap went in to see her doctor for treatment of a backache that has been bothering her for some time. Her daughter who usually accompanies her and interprets for her was not available on that day so the poor woman went alone.

"What can I do for your, maam?", the doctor asked her.

"Ewue, met ei upwele arapw?" the woman asked herself. After thinking for several seconds she remembered and said, "My doctor, my doctor, I seeck."

"What seems to be your problem?" the doctor inquired, flipping through her chart and glancing at her from the top of his eyeglasses.

"Ewueuwe, mwa ia we itan chuulap lon kapasan Merika?", she panicked. "Well?" the doctor was getting impatient. "Wait, wait my doctor. I'm dingking." she implored.

"Chuulap, chuulap,mwa ia we wewen ewe mwasan chuulap?" Then a light went on in her brain and she remembered it well. She smiled.

"My doctor, my doctor", she yelled triumphantly. "My Constitution pain!"

Constitution = chuulap


1 comment:

  1. EL OH EL! I like this one, thanks for lending. Hehehe, I'm going to use this at our KPT neighbors by KS Market.
