Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Trip to the Library

I eventually come back to this moment in my life where I begin to acknowledge this "itch" to post something on this blog regardless of whether they have anything of value or interest or they are just a total dissaray of unrelated ideas, rants, complaints, melancholic recollections and dejected yarns. However the outcome, I am still going to post whaterver comes to mind as part of this illiterary nonsense.

Yesterday becomes another milestone in my very simple and lazy life. It may be a milestone to me but to the average person, it is only A Day in The Life of that individual. Something that I kept putting off because of my laziness which I often excused as being busy all the time, was finally accomplished today. After only about three years in the planning, research, and development stage, I finally took my kids to the Library and got them their first library cards. Yeah! Tell me about it. That was hard. All you have to do was fill out the half-page application form, sign it and give it back to the grim and constipated-looking librarian. BTW, she was (the librarian that is) trying to ruin my day by asking too many unnecessary and stupid questions, but the ear-to-ear grin on Seven's face as he clutched his new library card in his little hands was a good excuse to forgive her. As for Najna... Where is that girl? Oh, there she is! As soon as she got her card, she literally flew over to one of the computers, logged on using her new card number and off she went. ONLINE, of course! Well, what you know? She already has her own page about Space and was already chatting with her cyber friends. I think getting her a library card was a mistake. Instead of using the card to borrow books to broaden her mind to the vast and exciting world of literary treasures, she decides to downsize it to a minuscule storage room of acronyms, chat-room lingos and terms that contribute to the deliberate degradation and pulverization of the English lexicon, spelling and grammar. I have to talk to that girl! She sure has a good coconut on her shoulder but I think she is just too spoiled. It was my fault to call her "Princess" eversince she was born. Now she's really acting like one. Whatever she says, she thinks will go. She will be disappointed that girl. I wonder where she gets her stubborness from. Anyway, I luv dem kid. Their my life.

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