Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Guam Buildup

While it will create a tremendous boom to the economy in Guam and help the fledgling economies of the neighboring Compact of Freely Associated States by creating thousands of jobs and contributing to the local businesses, it worries me just to think about the "other" consequences and the impact that the military buildup on Guam will create in the region. Since the closing of the US base in Okinawa, there has been so much mobilization and activity in this area that it seems to me like we are being readied and groomed to be used again as we'd been used over and over again in the past by our so-called "friends."
I am worried that this commotion (I wanted to say saber-rattling but that is too harsh a word) is used to shift attentions away from somewhere and direct it to us. Congresswoman Bordallo, in her quest to secure major appropriations that will go directly to her district (GUAM), doesn't seem to mind that that the gears on some enemies' ICBMs are turning and Guam is showing up between its crosshairs. I wouldn't be worried except the fact that if worse comes to worst and if an incoming projectile misses Guam by a mere fraction of an inch, the FSM and maybe the Marshalls will be at the receiving end, regardless whether they are a part of the conflict or not. History will be repeating itself only this time, it will be on a much grander scale.
Am I a pessimistic "cry wolf"? You betcha! I would rather be a live pessimist than a dead optimist.